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[Translate to spanish (latam):] learning to eat and drink

Aprendiendo a comer y beber

Fases de la Vida > 6-18 Meses

[Translate to spanish (latam):] small kids learn to eat and drink

Desde los 10 meses, la mayoría de los niños son capaces de sentarse, ya tienen algunos dientes y agarran todo lo que tienen a su alcance, lo que evidentemente incluye la comida. Tu hijo ya no es un bebé y pasará gradualmente de los purés a los alimentos que se comen con las manos y otros sólidos. A partir de este momento podéis empezar a comer en familia. En otras palabras, ya puedes ir guardando la batidora; bastará con que aplastes la comida o la cortes en pedacitos.

Ya puedes hablar con tu pediatra para revisar la dieta de tu hijo y la introducción de alimentos.

Pieces of fruit or vegetables served alongside the bread, or as a snack between meals, will provide additional vitamins and are generally very popular with toddlers. Start by giving your child soft fruit and vegetables such as bananas, soft pears or nectarines, or cucumber pieces. You can then move on to vegetables that he can gnaw on, like carrot or kohlrabi sticks.

It is important to note that fruit and vegetable pieces are not only good for your child from a nutritional point of view, but also encourage your child’s mouth muscles to develop and promote the onset of speech. This is another reason for supporting your child’s wish to eat like a grown-up – even if, to start with, not everything ends up in his mouth.

4 Etapas de la vida